Sunday, 13 November 2011

McHappy Day

Yesterday, the 12th November 2011, was McHappy Day in Australia.
 I hadn't heard of such a day until about three years ago at most (I have no idea how long it has been running) and since then this is what I have learned.

In Australia, on McHappy Day either $1 or $2 (I'm not sure exactly) from every big mac sold is donated to the Ronald McDonald House charity. Other countries may do the same thing, or the nature of the donation money may vary slightly. When I first heard of McHappy Day, I thought it was a wonderfully generous thing for McDonalds to do.

However, now that I've given it some thought, I'm not so sure anymore. What I'm saying is that although they raise so much money, is it really the best they can do?

McDonalds, a fast food chain that probably has enough restaraunts to average out as one per city- at least in most countries- would raise such a large amount of money every single day of every single year.

Think about it- everytime you go to one of the restaraunts, usually there are so many other people there. It's always so busy, and remember that just as many people go there for food on the days you aren't there too. They serve food with specials for each meal time, and now most ones in the city are open twenty four hours. Now I understand they have expenses- supplies, salaries, maintenance of stores, etc, but obviously they are raking in a whole lot more money.

If I'm honest, I think some of the food there is slightly over-priced as well. So now think: this restaurant is making so much money every single day of every single year, and they think it is generous that for ONE day a year, they donate a percentage of ONE of their products sold.

The Big Mac is not my favourite- I don't like it at all, really. I wouldn't have even known yesterday was McHappy Day if I hadn't known someone who works at a restaraunt. I saw no advertising for the event, personally.

So for such a large corporation, why don't they donate all the money from every Big Mac sold that day? Or a percentage of ANY product sold that day? (People who go there in groups for McHappy Day often buy more than just a Big Mac- eg coke, fries, nuggets, etc) 

Or better yet, why don't they have a sort of "McHappy Day Every Day" deal where $2 from every Big Mac is donated to the charity no matter what day of the year?

I'm not suggesting that they donate all their profits, but surely they can do so much better? And if they really cared about their charity, wouldn't they be willing to do all they can?

I guess for now the one day a year will have to do :/

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